Andy Robertson Shares His Golf Hobby Post Football Matches, Revealing Potential Alternate Career as an Office Worker if Not in Football

Andy Robertson, known for his relentless energy and tenacity on the football pitch, recently shared a glimpse into his life off the field, revealing his love for playing golf. For Robertson, golf isn’t just a pastime; it’s a way to decompress and find peace after the rigors of high-stakes football matches.

The contrast between the high-pressure environment of football and the serene, measured pace of golf offers him a unique way to balance his life, both physically and mentally.

In a candid reflection, Robertson opened up about an alternate reality where football might not have been his path.

He shared that if fate had taken a different turn, he could have ended up living a much quieter life as a simple office worker. This admission highlights a different side to Robertson—one that is grounded and relatable, far removed from the intense spotlight of professional sports.



Despite his success and the fame that comes with being a top-tier footballer, Robertson’s words reveal a humility and down-to-earth nature that endears him to fans.

His golf hobby not only serves as a form of relaxation but also as a reminder that, at his core, he’s someone who values simplicity and the small pleasures in life.

While the world knows him as a fierce competitor on the field, on the golf course, he’s just Andy—someone who enjoys the quiet challenge of the game, away from the roar of the crowds and the pressures of elite competition.